Reflective tape - Xiamen Yitai Industrial Co., Ltd.

Reflective tape

Reflective tape

Reflective tapes are strips of adhesive material which have light reflective properties. They have been designed to reduce accidents and save lives. Used in the correct way they can improve safety and increase visibility in the workplace which leads to less downtime due to fewer accidents.

These reflective tapes are commonly used to highlight driveway edges on highways. Due to this tape's reflective qualities, it will be beneficial at night and in adverse weather conditions. There would be no unwanted and disastrous circumstances that people would have to deal with when driving. Lifeboat jackets primarily used at sea also use this reflective tape for clothing.

Some manufacturers are also using it as part of motorcycle helmets and automobiles to provide additional academic support to users if, for example, intense weather conditions cause them to lose vision.

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